A child of the nineties, Scam Likely was born to British and Surinamese parents in the heart of Southampton’s cod-packing district. That house, looking back, was not particularly filled with books, nor with love, but it did have a crispy, shiny and capacious Ikea bag (a rarity in those days) filled with middle-shelf magazines, such as those which might be requisitioned from a doctor’s waiting room.

But Mr. and Mrs. Likely, in time, did what they could to encourage their young progeny, sweeping clear the kitchen table of its remnants of roast and providing age-appropriate writing materials when they could. Scam’s first fictional work, entitled ‘Miss Chub-Rabbit’ and written across three sides of foolscap in bottle-green wax crayon, was penned at the tender age of twenty-three.
After taking a degree from the University of Southampton, while participating with lukewarm enthusiasm in student societies and with red-hot enthusiasm in a part-time job shelving engineering journals, Scam worked for an unspecified number of years in customer service and tourist information, before turning full-time to writing. A View From the Bridge, the plumpest fruit of this endeavour, was published in the summer of 2020.
Come along for the ride here, and follow Scam through the crusty and feculent looking-glass.